Поиск лекарств в аптеках Барнаула:
Цена от 348.00 р. до 555.00 р. Средняя цена: 403.4 руб.
Предложений в аптеках Барнаула: 45
Лучшие предложения Алтын-Кельа в аптеках Барнаула
Аптека |
Телефон |
Район |
Цена |
Социальная аптека |
Мир Здоровья Барнаул, Паровозная улица, 96 |
8(3852)31-11-74 |
296.00 р. |
да |
Социальная аптека Барнаул, Горская улица, 187 |
8(3852)47-63-55 |
Ленинский район
325.00 р. |
да |
Визион-Оптика муниципальное образование Город Барнаул, посёлок Казённая Заимка, Арбатская улица, 18 |
8(3852)47-61-12 |
325.00 р. |
Твой Доктор Новоалтайск, Полевая улица, 9 |
8(3852)23-43-66 |
331.00 р. |
Дежурная аптека городской округ Новоалтайск, СНТ Путеец-2, 21 |
8(3852)71-71-27 |
331.00 р. |
Алтай-Аптека Барнаул, Ивовая улица, 1 |
8(3852)75-75-73 |
349.00 р. |
Фармакопейка Барнаул, улица Попова, 169Б |
8(3852)33-75-62 |
352.00 р. |
358.00 р. |
Алтай Фарм Барнаул, Декоративная улица, 91 |
8(3852)62-46-21 |
359.00 р. |
Алтай-Аптека Барнаул, улица Папанинцев, 133 |
8(3852)73-37-75 |
360.00 р. |
Ригла муниципальное образование Город Барнаул, станция Ползуново, улица Ивкина, 36 |
8(3852)34-27-46 |
364.00 р. |
366.00 р. |
Муниципальная аптека муниципальное образование Город Барнаул, село Гоньба, Комплексная улица, 1 |
8(3852)65-17-75 |
370.00 р. |
372.00 р. |
376.00 р. |
36,6 Первомайский район, село Бобровка, улица Ленина, 20А |
8(3852)45-66-12 |
376.00 р. |
Муниципальная аптека муниципальное образование Город Барнаул, рабочий поселок Южный, улица Чайковского, 45 |
8(3852)51-41-66 |
376.00 р. |
Социальная аптека Барнаул, Змеиногорский тракт, 119 |
8(3852)11-53-65 |
382.00 р. |
да |
382.00 р. |
Дежурная аптека Барнаул, Пролетарская улица, 254А |
8(3852)23-37-17 |
394.00 р. |
Муниципальная аптека муниципальное образование Город Барнаул, посёлок Центральный, Промышленная улица, 17Б |
8(3852)62-47-71 |
394.00 р. |
Месяц |
Цена |
Warning: Use of undefined constant avp - assumed 'avp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 485
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Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Ноябрь 2024 | 395 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
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Октябрь 2024 | 387 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
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Сентябрь 2024 | 379 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
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Август 2024 | 375 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Июль 2024 | 371 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Июнь 2024 | 370 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Май 2024 | 369 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Апрель 2024 | 365 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Март 2024 | 354 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Февраль 2024 | 347 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Январь 2024 | 342 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Декабрь 2023 | 340 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 609
Ноябрь 2023 | 335 рублей | Статистика цен по годам |
Warning: Use of undefined constant avp - assumed 'avp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 518
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Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
2024 год | 343 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
2023 год | 292 рублей |
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
Warning: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /sites/barnapt.ru/drug.php on line 600
2022 год | 248 рублей |